
Thursday, 17 November 2011

Beating the clock

Busy couple of days at Cookie towers. It feels like I have been racing around yet I don't feel like I've been really productive!

I did manage some decent breakfasts

This mornings creation was particularly good. Carrot cake inspired porridge. Now I did see this on a blog last week and I can't for the life of me find it now. If anyone can help I'd be really grateful so I can link the post back.

For my version I put 28g porridge oats (this one had raisins and some other dried fruits in it) 1 scan bran (extra fiber) 1 grated carrot, 1 cup of just boiled water and some mixed spice.
I nuked it for 4 minutes and then added 1 tsp honey. It was mighty delicious, filling and warming. Just what I needed this dreary Thursday .

I managed to whip up a quick onion soup before the gym last night. It was ready in about 30 minutes and it is really sweet and delicious. I managed to slice my finger on the mandolin though - oooh man it stung.

After Jump FX and Pump FX at the gym I headed home in the chilly dark night looking forward to some carbs.

Pasta bolognese on a bed of cut-price spinach (25p - bargain!) it made the bowl look huge. I like a bit of eye trickery.

I topped my pasta fest with some reduced fat cheese and prepared to slip into my carb-coma for the evening.  The husband went with a delicious pizza which he'd had his eye on so all in all a win-win for us both on the food front.

I gave myself an extra 20 minute snooze-time this morning - big mistake. This left me with 30 minutes to get ready, make 2 pack-ups, prep the slow cooker and head out the door.

Amazingly though (and thanks to my soup effort the night before) I got the pack-ups sorted in extra quick time which left me with plenty to tackle the root veggies for my stew.

Into the mix this morning went swede, carrot, butternut squash, local stewing beef, red onion, oregano, pearl barley and 1 knorr stock pot.

I am totally thankful for the slow cooker today, I had another busy night ahead as I bought a couple of tickets to a Breast Cancer fashion evening at M&Co in our local town.

I took my mum and we enjoyed watching the fashion and partook (but didn't win) in the raffle I might have also had a little glass of rose - to be sociable you understand.
While I liked a lot of the clothes, I tried on a few tops but nothing really jumped out at me so I decided to save some pennies.

Mind you, I had spent a fortune beforehand at a local school's Xmas fair. There were lots of lovely gifts on offer as well as delicious cakes. 

Did you spot a cake missing?! The husband decided to taste test a blue one :) they got the thumbs up. A lovely girl in our village has started making them under 'Cake-a-doodle-do' such a great name.
The cakes above were 6 for £5, so I thought I would take some to work tomorrow - if I can keep the husband off them.
I also came home with some delicious betroot chutney and a couple of gifts for Xmas too, it was a lovely way to spend an hour.
I think I just about beat the clock today, but it was tight :)

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